Spelling Test 2

Read the story carefully and pick the correct spelling to fill the gaps. When you have finished, click on the "Check my Spelling" button to see your score.


 "What a wonderful day" said Sam as he gazed from the window. " shall we go?" replied his friend Jan.  "I know, lets go  the park.  We might see the rest of the gang and we can play hide and seek," said Sam enthusiastically. "Hang on," cried Jan "I'm hungry. I'll grab a from the fruit basket."

 Minutes later they rushed through the park gate. "Look. They are over  exclaimed Sam as he saw his pals in the distance. "Come on, lets give them a surprise," whispered Jan as she crept towards some nearby trees. They moved carefully, hiding behind tree trunks. As they neared their friends they could hear voices. Sam pointed at a low branch and began to climb.

 The gang, who  playing a game of conkers, were unaware of the activity behind them and did not see Sam as he climbed higher on a strong looking  Sam tried desperately not to giggle as he looked down at his friends.  He hoped they could not his stifled laughter. This was going to be fun thought Sam as he reached for his Yo-Yo. Then suddenly Sam's branch began to move.

 He crept further along the branch and it began to creak and bend. Jan was the first to see the crack start to appear in the wood of the branch Sam was lying on. She ran screaming, "Watch out." Her friends turned and looked up." They could only  at the shocking sight of Sam falling through the air towards them. With a terrible thud, Sam and the branch crashed onto the floor next to them. "Owwwww" yelled Sam as he sat up and brushed the dirt from his clothes. "That hurt." "You were lucky, I think we had better go home and clean you up," said Jan. "Wait!  is my Yo-Yo?" They all looked up, hanging at the end of a long thin branch was the Yo-Yo swinging gently, it's string tangled in the twigs. "It can stay there" exclaimed Sam, "I'm not climbing trees again..."

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